Monday, October 25, 2010

TrafficG Lesson 2a - The SuperSurf.

TrafficG Lesson 2a - The SuperSurf.

The SuperSurf is our main service to help you gain more visitors to your sites, the SuperSurf allows you to get as many as 120 visitors to your site per hour. The SuperSurf service works on a 1:1 ratio, this means every time you visit a site another one of our members visits one of your sites.

The SuperSurf is very quick and easy to use and requires no setting up, just a single click launches the service.

Here is a link to your TrafficG SuperSurf service.
<A HREF=""
> AOL Click Here </a>

TrafficG Lesson 2b - The SuperStart.

The SuperStart service is designed to supplement your SuperSurf service, this service is designed to credit you each time you open a new browser window.

It sounds crazy, but that's exactly what the SuperStart does for you! We give you a unique URL to set as your browsers startpage, when you open your browser, we direct you to other members websites, which in turn gives you visitors back to yours!

Each time you open your browser window your account is credited with 0.5 credits (see foot note)

Here is a link to your TrafficG SuperStart service.
<A HREF=""> AOL Click Here </a>

Here is how you setup the SuperStart service as your browsers Homepage.

Internet Explorer users:

In your browser, Select Tools > Internet options
Under Homepage, paste your SuperStart Homepage URL into the Address box
Click Apply then ok

Netscape Users:

In your browser, Select Edit > Preferences
Under Homepage, paste your SuperStart Homepage URL into the Location box
Click ok

AOL Users:

In your browser, Select Customise > Preferences
Select the Internet link
Under Homepage, paste your SuperStart Homepage URL into the Address box
Click Apply then ok

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